The Town of Renfrew has retained BT Engineering Inc. to undertake a Master Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Town’s infrastructure including roads, sidewalks, paths, trails and other active transportation facilities. The Study will define the current, medium and long-term improvements required for transportation infrastructure and traffic management in the Town, to improve traffic operation and safety for all modes of transportation.
In addition, the Renfrew East Development Area/Whitton Road Closure Harmonized Environmental Assessment (EA) Study has been initiated as a Group B (MTO)/Schedule C (Municipal) Class EA Study in parallel with the MTP for the Town of Renfrew and the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). BTE will complete the EA tasks concurrently, including the mandatory public consultation events and Technical Advisory Committee meetings. A separate final harmonized Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR)/Environmental Study Report (ESR) will be prepared for this road project. The Study Area for the Whitton Road/ O’Brien Road EA Study is shown below.
The MTP is being conducted as a Master Plan under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) (2015) using Approach No. 1. The MTP will complete Phases 1 and 2 of the Class EA and develop, update and evaluate travel demand projections, to confirm the required improvements and policies to integrate with other recommendations of the Town’s previous planning studies. The Study will proactively involve the public, stakeholders and Indigenous Peoples. At the completion of the Study, the Master Plan document will be made available for public comment. A notice will be provided at that time.
The Renfrew East Development Area/Whitton Road Closure EA Study will define improvements to provide operational and safety benefits for the future O’Brien Road interchange on Highway 17. This road closure triggers the Provincial Class EA in association with Municipal Class EA (Amended 2023) to integrate land use and transportation network changes. As such, the EA will be described as a Harmonized MTO (Group B)/Municipal (Schedule C) Class EA.
MTP Public Open House (POH) No. 2: This is the second and final POH for the MTP and is being held to present draft Policies, Programs, and Projects proposed to meet the short, medium, and long term transportation goals of the MTP.
Renfrew East Development Area/Whitton Road Closure EA Study POH No. 1: This is the first of two POHs for the Renfrew East Development Area/Whitton Road Closure EA Study existing conditions and preliminary alternatives will be presented. A second POH is planned for this EA Study and will be held separately from the MTP. The purpose of the second POH will be to provide interested stakeholders, Indigenous Peoples communities, and the public an opportunity to review and comment on the evaluation of the alternatives and the technical recommendations. A notice will be provided at that time.
The goal of the combined POHs event is to engage the public/stakeholders on their perspectives and interests in the two Studies. Details of the POH are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: myFM Centre, 1 Ma-te-Way Park Drive, Renfrew, ON K7V 4J4
Comments: There is an opportunity at any time during the Class EA process for interested persons to provide comments. Early identification of individual and group concerns greatly aids in addressing these concerns. All information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (2009). With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. Persons will be advised of future communication opportunities by electronic notice in addition to newspaper public notices.
For more information and if you wish to be placed on the study’s mailing or emailing contact list, contact:
Steve Taylor,
P.Eng. EA Project Manager
BT Engineering Inc.
100 Craig Henry Drive, Suite 201 Ottawa, ON K2G 5W3
Phone: 613-228-4813 Email:
Eric Withers,
Director Project Manager
Town of Renfrew
127 Raglan Street South Renfrew, ON K7V 1P8
Phone: 613-432-8166 ext. 305 Email: