May 14, 2024

2026 Town Council Structure Survey

We are reaching out to gather your input on potential adjustments to the Council structure for the Town of Renfrew for the upcoming 2026-2030 Term. Currently, our Council is comprised of seven elected officials, including one Mayor, one Reeve, and five Town Councillors all elected at large with no ward structure. 

Presently, the Reeve for the Town of Renfrew also serves as a member of Renfrew County Council.

To aid in shaping the future of local governance, we kindly request your feedback on the following questions listed below. 

Your participation in this survey is immensely valuable and will aid us in ensuring that Council’s structure aligns with the preferences and needs of our community. Comments or questions on this matter can also be directed to Carolynn Errett, Town Clerk at

Thank you for contributing your insights. The survey will be open for public feedback June 10, 2024 at 12:00 PM. 

Link to the survey can be found here.