Tom Sidney
The Mayor presides over Council meetings and is also a member of the Renfrew & Area Health Services Village Inc.
The following page contains information on each Member of Council and their respective committee and board appointments. Town Council is responsible for several key functions, including representing the public and considering the well-being and interests of the municipality, developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality, determining which services the municipality provides, ensuring that administrative policies, practices and procedures and controllership policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council, ensuring the accountability and transparency of the operations of the municipality, including the activities of the senior management of the municipality, maintaining the financial integrity of the municipality, and carrying out the duties of council under the Municipal Act or any other Act.
The Mayor presides over Council meetings and is also a member of the Renfrew & Area Health Services Village Inc.
Warden for Renfrew County
Is a member of the following internal Advisory Committees, Working Groups and Internal Teams:
Is a member of the following external Boards, Agencies and Other Entities:
Is a member of the following external Boards, Agencies and Other Entities:
Is a member of the following internal Committees, Working Groups and Internal Teams:
Is a member of the following external Boards, Agencies and Other Entities:
Is a member of the following Advisory Committees, Working Groups and Internal Teams:
Is a member of the following Boards, Agencies and Other Entities:
Is a member of the following Advisory Committees, Working Groups and Internal Teams:
A member of the following external Boards, Agencies and Other Entities:
If you would like to appear in front of Council or Committee and make a presentation, you must submit a request. Deputations to Council are generally received at the Council meetings held on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Monday of each month. Confirmation of the meeting date will be provided by the Clerk’s Department. To have the Mayor attend a function such as a ribbon cutting for a grand opening, please email the Town of Renfrew Clerks department.
** Public Record Disclaimer: Please be advised that any emails or correspondence sent to the Council may become part of the public record. As part of this process, individuals’ names and contact information may be shared or disclosed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. By submitting correspondence, you acknowledge and accept that your information may be made publicly available.
The Corporation of the Town of Renfrew is committed to achieving the highest quality of municipal administration and governance by encouraging high standards of conduct on the part of all elected officials and members of its Boards and Committees. A code of conduct aims to ensure public trust and confidence in the Municipality's decision making and operations. This Code of Conduct applies to all Members of Council. This Code of Conduct also applies equally to all Members of Boards and Committees of the Municipality, whether or not a Member of that Board or Committee is also a Member of Council. Every Member has the duty and responsibility to treat members of the public, staff and each other in a respectful manner, without abuse, bullying, harassment or intimidation.