Property Taxes in Renfrew

Property taxes are the main source of revenue for the Town of Renfrew to deliver services. In addition to collecting its own taxes, the Town of Renfrew is also responsible for collecting education taxes and taxes on behalf of the County of Renfrew. Discover the ways property taxes contribute to essential municipal services, infrastructure projects, and community development. Stay informed about important deadlines, understand the factors influencing your property tax bill, and find answers to frequently asked questions. Whether you're a long-time homeowner or a new resident, the Property Tax Section is designed to make your experience seamless and informative. 

Tax Bills

For more information about tax bills please click one of the following drop downs or contact the Department of Finance & Client Services. 

2024 Property Tax Rates

To review the 2024 Property Tax Rates for the Town of Renfrew, please download the 2024 Final Tax Rates document. 

Interim/Final Tax Bill

The Town of Renfrew issues two tax bills each year. Each tax bill has two installments. Please remember to keep tax bills for your records. 

  • The interim tax bill, representing 50% of the previous year's tax bill, is payable in two installments, March 29th and May 31st, 2024. 
  • The final tax bill is the balance of the year's taxes and is payable in two installments, August 30th and October 31st, 2024. 

To determine your property's total taxes, add together the amounts interim taxes (or final taxes) from the tax bill summary sections. Payments will be applied according to payment application information.

Supplementary Tax Notice

If there have been changes to your property assessment due to new construction in the year or the previous two years, you will receive a Supplementary Tax Notice based on the supplementary or omitted assessment. The Supplementary Due Date(s) for these bills will be at least 21 days after the date of the notice.

Property Tax Information

For more information about property taxes please click one of the following drop downs or contact the Department of Finance & Client Services. 

Pre-authorized payments

The Town of Renfrew offers pre-authorized payment plans for taxes and water/wastewater charges.

  • Residents can sign up for monthly tax installments which will be split into 11 equal payments and processed each month on the 15th with the exception of December.
  • Water/wastewater payments are based on actual billing and will be withdrawn on due dates shown on your bill.

Sign up for pre-authorized payments with the Town of Renfrew. 

Payment options

In addition to pre-authorized payments, the Town of Renfrew offers a number of options to pay for your property tax bill. 

Online payments

The Town of Renfrew offers online payment options for residents through e-commerce. This service is available to customers who want to sign up to receive their bills electronically and / or make payments on-line using their credit card or PayPal account. To register for this service, you must create an on-line profile which includes entering a valid email address, creating a unique ID and password, and selecting / answering a security question.

  • In order to sign up for e-Billing you must first register on the e-Commerce website and create an on-line profile.
  • Once your on-line profile has been created, select Option #1 “View & Pay Bills” from the main menu.
  • You will need the full account number, PIN# and name as it appears on your bill. The Water/Sewer account is a 6-digit number followed by an alphabetical letter (ex. 014218A) and the Property Tax account is a 19-digit number including dashes (ex. 47-48-000-099-12000-0000). 
  • Select the option to “Add an Account”.
  • Select either Property Tax Bill or Water Bill” from the drop down menu, enter the full account number and PIN# as shown on your bill.
  • Press continue.
  • Enter the security question and select “I agree”.
  • You will receive notification at the top of the screen that the account has been added to your user profile, but will not show up on your Account List until it has been verified. An email will be sent to you when the account has been verified.

Customers are charged 3% of the total amount being paid plus a $0.35 processing fee. The system will automatically calculate the total fees (i.e. Convenience Fee) for you. You must accept the Convenience Fee in order to complete your transaction. For example, a $100 payment will result in $3.35 Convenience Fee. A total charge of $103.35 will appear on your next credit card statement.

Sign up for online billing with the Town of Renfrew through e-commerce. 

Through your bank

Use your bank's online or telephone payment services, or pay at the teller or ABM.  Select bill payee Renfrew (Town) Taxes (ON) and input your 19 digit roll number for the account no. Payment can be made at most financial institutions on or before the due date. Financial institutions may charge for this service. Please be aware of your bank's processing times to ensure your payment is recorded on the due date.  Payments will be recorded by date of teller stamp or bank confirmation page which includes the processing time of payment.

Mortgage companies

Pay your tax bill through your mortgage company.  Please do not forget that it is your responsibility to ensure it is paid.

24-hour drop box

Payments may be dropped off at the Town Hall located at 127 Raglan Street South. Please do not place cash in the drop box.

By mail

Please make your cheque payable to Town of Renfrew and mail it to:

127 Raglan Street South,  
Renfrew, ON, K7V 1P8

In person

Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Town Hall reception, 127 Raglan Street South.  

Credit cards

The Town of Renfrew does not offer credit card payments for property tax billing at this time. 

Late payment charges and interest

The Town of Renfrew charges a penalty in the amount of 1 1/4 percent (1.25%) of the amount of unpaid taxes will be charged for the non-payment of taxes on the first day of the month following the due date.

Further interest charges in the amount of 1 1/4 percent (1.25%) of unpaid taxes will be charged on the first day of each and every month thereafter.

Change of address or ownership

If you would like to change where your property tax bill and/or utility bill is mailed, you must request it in writing. You can contact the Finance Department by email or phone 613-432-4848 for more information. 

How your property taxes are calculated

The Town of Renfrew determines its revenue requirements on an annual basis to pay for municipal services being offered to the ratepayers in our communities. These services include, but are not limited to: water distribution, wastewater collection, full time fire fighting, curbside garbage and recycling collection program, landfill, roads and winter maintenance, and community services as parks, recreation, and library to name a few.

The property tax rate is made up of three components: Municipal tax rate (set by the Town of Renfrew), County tax rate (set by the County of Renfrew) and Education tax rate (set by the Ontario Government).The total tax rate is multiplied by the assessed value of the property and a tax bill is generated. The municipality remits the County and Education portions of the property tax revenue generated back to each governing body on a quarterly basis.

The value of your property is determined by MPAC – the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Watch this three-minute video created by MPAC that helps explain how property taxes are calculated. If you disagree with MPAC’s assessment or classification of your property, you can file what is called a Request for Reconsideration and MPAC will review your assessment, free of charge. Your deadline to file a Request for Reconsideration with MPAC is printed on your Property Assessment Notice.

Additional Information

For more information please click one of the following drop downs or contact the Department of Finance & Client Services. 

Tax Certificates

A tax certificate is a statement of the property tax status of a property. If you are participating in a property transaction you might be asked to provide a tax certificate. You can download a copy of the tax certificate request form here

User Fees and Charges

For information on the Town's various Fees and Charges, please refer to the 2024 Fees and Charges By-law.

Property Assessment

Property Assessment is conducted by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). MPAC is responsible for assessing and classifying more than five million properties in Ontario. The property assessments we provide are what municipalities use to base the property taxes needed to pay for community services. If you have questions regarding your assessment or wish to contact MPAC, please call 1-866-296-6722 or visit the MPAC website.