The Town of Renfrew provides curbside collection for household garbage and yard waste (seasonally) via a contractor, Topps Environmental Solutions (TES). Recycling collection is managed by Circular Materials via a local contractor (TES). Residents and businesses must meet the collection standards set out in the waste management by-law in order to utilize the garbage and recycling collection services. For more information on these standards please see the options below.  

To report an issue with your garbage or recycling pick-up please contact Topps Environmental Solutions (TES) directly at 613-257-1195 or email (include your address in the subject line).

The Town’s Waste Collection Calendar is a helpful tool to determine which recycling material is being collected during a given week and identifies other waste management related dates. Recycling and Garbage pick up occur weekly on the same day for the scheduled area, please use the Waste Collection Map to determine your pick up date, collection can occur as early as 7 am.

Curbside Collection Information

Curbside Garbage Collection Information

  • Place garbage and recycling at the curbside after 6 p.m. the night before collection or BEFORE 7 a.m. on the day of collection. Collection can occur as early as 7 a.m. and collection times may vary without notice.
  • Curbside means within arms length of the curb, sidewalk or roadside.
  • During winter, please do not place bags, containers or bins behind, on top, or in the side of snow banks.
  • Two (2) bag limit per week, per residential unit.
  • Four (4) bag limit per week, per commercial unit.
  • Additional bag tags can be purchased for $3.00 each at the Town Hall, Renfrew Landfill, Recreation Offices at the myFM Centre, and at the Renfrew Library. 
  • Maximum bag size: 26” x 32”. 
  • Maximum container size: 67 Liters. 
  • Garbage bags/containers, recycling bins and leaf and yard waste bags/ bundles must not exceed 23 kg (50 lbs) each.
  • Loose items must be combined and securely bagged. 
  • All items must be bagged. Large or bulky items that are not bagged will not be collected.
  • Household Hazardous waste, construction waste and biohazardous waste are not permitted in household garbage.

Curbside Recycling Collection Information

As of July 28, 2023 the residential recycling program is managed by Circular Materials a not-for-profit producer responsibility organization committed to building efficient and effective recycling systems to minimize waste and ensure materials are reused again and again. The commercial, industrial and institutional recycling program is managed by the Town. Both programs are administered by the same contractor and have the same collection standards.

In order to take advantage of the curbside recycling collection service, residents and businesses must meet the collection standards and limits as set out in the waste management by-law. Please review the information provided on the Town of Renfrew community specific page at

For questions about recycling, or to report a missed pick up please contact Topps Environmental Solutions (TES) directly at 613-257-1195 or email (include your address in the subject line).

For residential properties, should a recycling matter need to be escalated, please contact Circular Materials Ontario (CMO) at 1-877-667-2626 or email

For Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Properties, should a recycling matter need to be escalated, please contact the Town of Renfrew at 613-432-4848 or, or submit a web form.

Residents & Businesses may use a standard recycling bin which are available for purchase at many retailers locally (e.g., hardware store) provided that the bin is no larger than 90 liters in capacity.

Recycling may be brought to the Renfrew Landfill for no charge provided that it is sorted and cardboard is broken down. See the landfill section for more details.

Additional Waste Management Information

Leaf and Yard Waste & Backyard Composting

Curbside Leaf and Yard waste pick up occurs 3 times in the spring and fall. A composter credit is available for those that install one.

Electronic & Battery Waste

Be sure to safely and properly dispose of electronic and battery waste. Batteries are the leading cause of fires at waste facilities. 

Household Hazardous Waste Depot

Household hazardous waste is corrosive, flammable, explosive or poisonous and must not be put in the garbage.

Renfrew Landfill

The Renfrew Landfill has knowledgeable staff and is open year-round. The landfill is located at 376 Bruce Street.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many garbage bags can I put out?

Two (2) bags for residential units and four (4) bags for commercial. Regular sized garbage bags, maximum size of 26” x 32”.

Does Renfrew have a large item collection program?

The Town of Renfrew does not have a large item collection program. Large items must be taken to the Renfrew Landfill, tipping fees may apply.

How do I get more bag tags?

Additional Garbage Tags can be purchased for $3.00 a tag at the following locations:

  • Town Hall
  • Landfill Site
  • Renfrew Library
  • myFM Centre

Tags must be placed in a visible location on the bag and cannot be placed directly on an individual item. Only garbage contained within a garbage bag or garbage container will be collected. 

Why was my collection missed?

Some collections will not be collected because the set out did not meet the waste collection standards, this includes oversized items, hazardous or prohibited waste, too many bags, loose waste items, improperly sorted recycling, recycling in bags, or the set out not being curbside (the contractor will not access private property to collect waste). Additionally waste is often placed out for collection after the collection truck as already serviced the area. Collection can occur as early as 7:00 a.m. Lastly your set out could have been blocked from the view of the collection contractor, this can occur when the wastes are placed near vegetation, when cars park on the street in front of the waste or as a result of snow banks. Residents and Business remain responsible for their wastes until it is collected regardless of the reason for a missed collection.

Who should I contact if garbage or recycling collection was missed?

To report a missed recycling garbage or recycling pick-up please contact Topps Environmental Solutions (TES) directly at 613-257-1195 or email (include your address in the subject line).

Where can I get a new garbage or recycling bin?

Residents can purchase a recycling form local retailers such as hardware or big box stores. The maximum bin size permitted is 90 L for recycling and 67 L for waste.

What items can be recycled?

Please see the Waste Management Pamphlet for more information. 

Does Renfrew have a backyard composting program?

If you have the outdoor space, consider creating a backyard composting area. By composting, you convert organic waste into a reusable byproduct which is an effective way to recycle, feed plants, and save money!

The Town of Renfrew offers a one time composter credit of $30.00 per property, for Town of Renfrew residents who purchase and install a backyard composter.

Please submit proof of purchase, along with proof of residency to the the Department of Development, Environment and Engineering. 

What are the hours at the Renfrew Landfill?

Please see the Renfrew Landfill site.