The Town of Renfrew provides curbside collection for household garbage and yard waste (seasonally) via a contractor, Topps Environmental Solutions (TES). Recycling collection is managed by Circular Materials via a local contractor (TES). Residents and businesses must meet the collection standards set out in the waste management by-law in order to utilize the garbage and recycling collection services. For more information on these standards please see the options below.
To report an issue with your garbage or recycling pick-up please contact Topps Environmental Solutions (TES) directly at 613-257-1195 or email (include your address in the subject line).
The Town’s Waste Collection Calendar is a helpful tool to determine which recycling material is being collected during a given week and identifies other waste management related dates. Recycling and Garbage pick up occur weekly on the same day for the scheduled area, please use the Waste Collection Map to determine your pick up date, collection can occur as early as 7 am.