Renfrew OPP

*** The South Ottawa Valley O.P.P. Detachment Board (formerly the Renfrew & Area O.P.P. Detachment Board) is in the process of creating its own dedicated website. While the site is under development, you can access past meeting agendas and minutes here.

The Town of Renfrew is under contract with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The South Ottawa Valley O.P.P. Detachment Board oversees operations of the Renfrew Detachment of the OPP to help maintain an adequate and efficient policing service. 

  • Emergency number: 911
  • Non emergency number: 1-888-310-1122
  • Contact the Renfrew Detachment: 613 432-3211

Location: 410 O'Brien Road, Renfrew, Ontario, K7V 3Z2

South Ottawa Valley O.P.P. Detachment Board

Visit the Council & Committee Calendar for upcoming scheduled meetings. 


Starting in November 2024, the public will be able to watch meetings live on YouTube. Link here: