Leaf & Yard Waste
A curbside leaf and yard waste removal service is provided three (3) times in the spring and fall each year. Paper bags and bundles must be curbside before 7:00am Tuesday on the week of collection. If placed curbside AFTER Tuesday morning, collection may not be guaranteed. Collection will occur throughout the scheduled week and may no correspond with your garbage and recycling collection day. Leaf and yard waste containers must be placed in such a manner that they are not damaged or deteriorated from rain or snow to such an extent that they cannot be loaded into the collection vehicle. Weight and size restrictions apply to leaf and yard waste collection, please see the Approved Leaf & Yard Waste Containers and Sizing Section in the FAQs below.
Renfrew residents may dispose of their leaves/grass free of charge, year-round at the Renfrew Landfill Site. Leaf and yard waste must be free of plastic and other refuse such as landscaping fabric or flower pots when emptied at the designated area. Brush and stumps may be subject to tipping fees.