Electronic Waste

Electronic devices are composed of reusable materials like plastic and precious metals that can be recycled and put back into manufacturing. Not all products that use electricity are considered e-waste. E-waste accepted at the Renfrew Landfill includes:

  • Televisions
  • Computers and monitors
  • Computer accessories (mice, keyboards, routers, external hard drives, chargers, cables)
  • Printers and printer cartridges
  • Phones (wired and wireless) and pagers
  • Home theater systems
  • Cameras and Security Cameras
  • Video Game Systems
  • Drones
  • Vehicle Audio/Video Systems (aftermarket)
  • Portable Audio/Video Systems (e.g. Walkman, Mp3)
  • Musical Instruments and recording equipment
  • IT and Telecom equipment (e.g. servers, microfilm readers, binding machines, postage and franking machines, check filler machines

E-waste collected at the Town of Renfrew Landfill is recycled by the Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA). For more information about electronics recycling visit https://recyclemyelectronics.ca/on/

Battery Disposal

Please DO NOT place batteries in your trash or recycling bin. 

Batteries are the leading cause of fires at waste facilities. 

Lithium ion batteries supply power to many kinds of devices, including smart phones, laptops, scooters, e-cigarettes, cordless power tools, smoke alarms, and toys. Handle these batteries carefully. In rare instances, they can cause a fire or explosion. 

Please note, small standard household batteries, button batteries, and small tool batteries are accepted at the Renfrew Landfill, Renfrew Town Hall, Renfrew Library and various local retailers year-round. Car, boat, RV, e-mobility and large power tool batteries are accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste Depot during it operating season.