Winter Maintenance


The Town of Renfrew's winter maintenance program is carried out by using a set of standards that vary depending on the category of street cleared. These quality standards exceed provincial minimum maintenance standards and provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic, and a consistent level of service throughout the Town. 

Read the Town of Renfrew Snow and Ice Policy

The Town understands that accumulation of snow and ice can cause concern and challenges to residents. During heavy snow fall events, staff are often working around the clock, and therefore we do ask that residents remain patient, understanding, and stay off the road when possible. If you have concerns regarding winter maintenance, please contact the Town of Renfrew at 613-432-4848 or email

For more information, click here to read the Winter Control Frequently Asked Questions. 

Additional Information

Snow Plowing and Salting

Town crews address icy roads and intersections in the following order:

  1. Primary - major arterial roads/sidewalks, intersections, and primary crosswalks
  2. Secondary - collector streets and school crossings
  3. Tertiary - residential streets and dead end roads. 

Plowing and Salting trucks are dispatched at the first sign of roads beginning to ice to the maintain minimum maintenance standards. Standards are listed with the Town's Snow and Ice Control Policy. 

Snow Removal On Roadways

In order to keep our community as safe as possible when snow removal is taking place, Renfrew’s streets are prioritized using pre-determined criteria.

  1. Highways & Arterial Roads - Primary streets with greatest volume of traffic are plowed first to ensure access to vital Town infrastructure and community services.
  2. Collector Roads - Secondary - These roads connect to arterials and include bus routes and school zones.
  3. Residential Streets - when necessary 

No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any municipal parking lot or a street/highway between 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. from December 1 to March 31.  Vehicles parked on any street during these hours are subject to a fine.  Further, if the vehicle restricts winter maintenance operations it will be towed away at the owner's expense.

Significant Weather Event

The Town of Renfrew may declare a Significant Weather Event in response to weather warnings issued for the region. These declarations are made pursuant to Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways, O.Reg. 239/02, and suspend the standard timelines required for municipalities to meet their winter maintenance objectives. The declaration is to notify the public that due to the current or forecasted conditions, caution is to be exercised when travelling in the Town of Renfrew and it may take longer than usual to clear the roads or sidewalks. 

Overnight Winter Parking Restrictions

The Town of Renfrew parking by-law (29-2012), states no person shall park or stand a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parking on a highway or municipal parking lot between the hours of 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. from December 1 in any year to March 31 of the following year, both dates inclusive. 

No person shall park a vehicle at any time when the highway or roadway is specially marked with signs indicating snow removal or when such person has received verbal or written notice from a representative of the Town indicating the prohibition or parking. 

Read the winter parking restrictions here. 

Winter Control